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Kidnapped by the Alien Barbarian

  Kidnapped by the Barbarian Alien

  Book One in Warriors of Warden

  by Ella Mansfield

  Copyright 2015

  License Notes

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  Lela lives in a female compound on Earth, knowing exactly where her life is going. She will be forced to have a career she doesn't want, marry a man a computer chooses for her, give birth to children who will be taken from her, and basically spend her entire life doing as she's told.

  Drrrl is the prince whose family has been exiled from his home planet due to a centuries old feud with another family. His family has been cursed to have no female offspring. Instead of choosing one of the exiled women convicts brought to his planet, he decides to go to Earth and choose a woman he would prefer. As soon as he sets eyes on Lela he realizes she is his fated mate. Dare he take her with him against her will and make her his bride? Will they ever be able to get past the fact that he kidnapped her to live together in harmony?

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  Chapter One

  Drrrl Mcy dressed in his nicest clothes before heading to the trading outpost on the planet Mcy. He'd lived on the beautiful planet since he was a small boy, and his family had finally been outcast from their home planet for feuding with another family. Few remembered how the feud originated, but late at night, his father liked to tell his version of the story to his sons. All four of them.

  The Htflds were disgusting pigs of men, and they lived on the planet on the opposite side of the solar system from the Mcys. The two planets were opposite in every way. The Mcy planet was land poor, but the oceans made it livable. From what Drrrl had heard, the Htfld planet was beautiful and green. Of course, he'd never seen it, so that could be a rumor.

  Drrrl was an inventor, and his primary goal in life was to build a weapon that could shoot over the sun and wipe the other planet out of the universe. That hadn't happened yet, but someday it would.

  Today, though, his goal was much simpler. Today, he would go to the outpost and find a wife. Every few weeks, a trader came to the planet, bringing all of the women who were no longer welcome to live on the home planet. The Mcy family was large and prolific, but they'd been cursed hundreds of years before because of their fight with the Htflds. There were never daughters born to them: only sons. He had kin distant enough living there on the planet that he could easily marry one, if only they were female.

  When he arrived at the outpost, he looked over the women carefully. All had their crime tattooed on the inside of their left wrist, so he walked down the row of women, taking their hands and carefully reading the crimes.

  The prettiest one was a murderer. No, she won't do. The next had been exiled for burning her opponent in a beauty competition with acid. The list went on. Only the worst criminals were exiled from the planet, so these women were scraping the bottom of the barrel, genetically speaking. No, he wouldn't find a wife among them.

  He nodded to Lvn, the slave trader, before he walked off despondently. There had to be a woman out there somewhere who wanted to bear his sons, and let's face it, he wasn't only about fathering sons. He wanted a girl who'd ride him like a cowgirl, screaming her pleasure the whole time. He'd seen cowboys and cowgirls in some of the alien media broadcasts, which were sometimes the only forms of entertainment available to them on this sparsely inhabited world.

  Wait—the cowboy and cowgirl shows had come from a small planet called Earth. If he could find that planet, he would have his choice of women. There were many there, and they seemed to prefer large men—at least from what he'd seen on the media they did. He would go find Earth, and he would bring home a bride, even if he had to steal her.


  Drrrl left his younger brother, Bnjmn, in the control room of the ship. "I need to go to the planet's surface to find my bride. Will you teleport me down?"

  Bnjmn shook his head, before agreeing. "I think you're making a huge mistake. You can't just go to a planet and take a girl. She'll be missed!"

  Drrrl shrugged. "I don't care at this point. I'm tired of my hand being the only thing that ever comes into contact with my rod. I need a woman, and I'm going to get one." He stepped into the teleportation system. "Are you sure you don't want me to teleport you down once I've finished?"

  "Absolutely. I'll wait and watch you with your girl for a while, decide if I want one from this place."

  "Fine. Just be ready to transport me back as soon as I ask."

  Bnjmn nodded. "I can do that. I'll have the communication system open throughout the ship."

  "I'm ready." Drrrl hated teleporting, but he'd do it for a good reason. Finding a woman was the best reason he could possibly think of. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth as he felt the unfamiliar sensation of his body fading from one place and reappearing in another.

  When he landed, he looked around him. He was in a beautiful green field, but there wasn't a woman visible to him. That was odd. When he'd scanned the planet's surface, he'd seen a high concentration of females in this area, with one set slightly apart from the others. He'd find her if it was the last thing he did.

  Well, not the last thing. He had to screw her first. There was no way he was going to forgo that pleasure. There was a woman out there just waiting to be claimed, and he was just the man to do it.

  He pulled his weapon out, a highly effective shocker that would put anyone who got too close out in seconds. It wouldn't kill them, but they would certainly be rendered helpless.

  He kept his eyes peeled, trying to spot the woman. Surely she was the woman for him, or she wouldn't have been the first woman he'd found. He could marry any woman, and would enjoy her body, but he could only have one son if he didn't find his true mate. With his mate, he could have many sons. And he would never have daughters, of course. He had no real hopes of finding his true mate. Not on a planet that was of alien origin.

  Finally, he spotted something on the grass. At first it just looked like a pile of clothing, but he quickly realized it was the woman he was looking for. She was tiny, but hopefully she was sturdier than she looked.

  He strode toward her, going to one knee beside her, his hand going to her hip to turn her fully onto her back. Her hair was blond, which bothered him slightly. On Mcy all of the men were dark, but on Htfld all of the men were fair and blond, like this little beauty. Was it possible she was a Htfld?

  He laughed to himself. Of course, she couldn't be a Htfld. She belonged here, on Earth.

  He stared at her for a moment, before leaning down and pressing his lips to hers. His hand went to her skirt, and he started easing it up. He didn't want their first time together to be on the ground in this beautiful place, but at that moment, the lust was consuming him. He'd take her anywhere.


  Lela woke, feeling lips against her own. A hand was easing her skirt up over her hip. She let out a gasp and started fighting. Fornication was a sin, one that would surely mean she'd end up in hell. Who was this man, and how had he gotten into the compound? This place was an all-female place. He didn't belong there!

  She pushed against his shoulders, surprised at how large he was compared to her. She'd seen few men in her life since coming to live at the comp
ound, but she knew they shouldn't be as large as this one.

  Finally he sat up, his eyes looking into hers and a smile on his lips. "You are the most beautiful woman in the universe. I will mate with you."

  Lela blinked a few times, trying to figure out who he was, and why he spoke so strangely. "Let go of me! The computer hasn't yet chosen my future mate. Besides, I have another year of schooling to go until I've reached my full potential as a mental health therapist." Truly she had no desire to be a counselor, but it was where her occupational testing had placed her. She had no choice.

  "You have a computer who will choose your mate for you? You have no say in the matter?" The look on his face betrayed his confusion over the matter.

  "What planet do you live on? Of course, the computer chooses for me, just as it does everyone. No one on this planet has had a say in who they marry for over fifty years." She sat up, feeling vulnerable lying on the ground while he knelt beside her in the grass. "You're not supposed to be here. This is the female compound. If you're not married yet, you should be in the men's compound." Why didn't he know the rules for life on the planet? Was he insane?

  Fifty years before her birth, the religious leaders of the world had taken over the planet. Everyone was now forced to live by their strict moral codes, whether they were believers or not. Of course, if someone wasn't a believer, they had the sense not to show that in public.

  He shook his head, obviously not understanding her at all. "I am from the planet Mcy. Is it obvious I don't belong here?" He looked down at his leather clothing and sighed. "I should have chosen something that would let me blend in better, shouldn't I?"

  "Um, probably. You're from the planet Mcy?" While Earth had achieved space travel many years prior, the program had been shut down once the planet was taken over by the religious leaders. They had said if God wanted them to travel through space, they'd have had fuel injectors on their bottoms.

  "Yes, and my family has been cursed, so there are no females on the planet at all. I need a wife. You will accompany me home." He gave her a sexy smile, and she wanted to hit him for it. Why did he think he could get around her that way?

  She shook her head. "It's forbidden. I can't leave here until my training is finished, and I certainly can't fornicate with a stranger from another planet!"


  "Have sexual relations before marriage. On this planet, we save ourselves for the man we're meant to marry. And men save themselves for the women they're intended to spend their lives with. One woman. One man." She thought it should be the same everywhere, but she had no idea what people in other places did.

  He laughed. "My brother is the captain of my ship. He will marry us, if you demand it. Otherwise, we will wait to marry until we reach Mcy."

  "I'm not going with you! And I'm certainly not having sex before marriage."

  A look of anger crossed his face. "My brother will marry us then. Let's go." He grabbed her hand and stood, pulling her to her feet.

  She tilted her head back to look up at him. She was one of the tallest women in the compound at over six feet tall, but he had to be at least seven feet. All of it leanly muscled and sexy. She felt herself warming in places she shouldn't. She said a quick prayer for her hormones to calm down. At twenty-three, she should be able to keep her sex drive under control.

  As she stood beside him, trying to wrench her hand from his grip, an unbidden image flashed into her brain of her bent over a table, naked. He was behind her, towering over her, and doing what came naturally for a man and a woman. Her face flushed and she shifted uncomfortably. She'd never felt such warmth between her legs.

  Shaking her head, she wrenched her hand from his, running toward the center of the compound where all of the buildings were. He ran after her, catching her hand as he spoke in a strange language into a square box.

  She had no idea what he said as the world faded into nothingness around her.

  Chapter Two

  Lela took a deep breath of surprise as she looked around the room she suddenly found herself in. "How did I get here?" she asked, trying to keep the panic from her voice. The tiny room was all metal, and there was nowhere at all to sit or lie down.

  "I teleported you," a voice from across the room told her.

  She looked, and it was another dark-haired man, very similar looking to the first. This must be the brother he mentioned.

  He pulled her toward his brother. "She is most insistent upon marriage before I take her to my cabin and make the whole ship shake. You're captain. Marry us."

  Lela stomped on his foot, her heel driving into it as hard as possible. "I won't marry you! I don't even know your name!" How hard was it to get the simple fact she wasn't going to marry him, or mate with him, through his thick head?

  "My name is Drrrl. You may call me 'mate.'" He looked down at her with his arms folded over his chest as if he was daring her to argue with him.

  "Take me home!" She punctuated her words with a kick. Why wouldn't he listen to anything she said?

  "Why? Do you really like it there? You didn't seem happy about having to do what you were told and accept your fate!"

  She sighed. "It may not have been the life I would have chosen, but it's the life I'm meant to live. If I go with you, how will I spend my days?" An image flashed into her mind of her naked on a bed, gripping the white sheets under her, moaning with pleasure. "How are you doing that?"

  "Doing what?" he asked, a smile lighting his face. He tried to look innocent, but she was having none of it.

  "Sending those sexual images into my head!"

  The other man, Drrrl's brother and the captain of the ship, smiled at Drrrl. "She is your fated mate. You've found her."

  Drrrl nodded. "I have. Now you will marry us."

  "Of course." The brother turned to them both and started humming deep in the back of his throat.

  "Stop this instant! I haven't agreed to marry him, and I won't!" Lela couldn't believe both men were so hard-headed. Would no one ever listen to her again?

  Drrrl bent and put his shoulder into her middle, standing up straight with her head hanging down his back and her legs down his front. "Fine. I don't want to wait to bed you anyway."

  He took four steps toward the exit of the room before she gasped, pounding on his back with her fists. "No. I'll marry you!" Lela's mind raced as she tried to think of a way out of her situation, but she wasn't certain it was possible. The man was determined to wed her and bed her. And a small part of her liked the idea, whether she was willing to admit it or not.

  He stopped. "That's a pity. I would have loved to have you squirming beneath me immediately. No worries. It will still happen soon."

  She sucked in a breath. She couldn't believe he would be so bold as to announce what he was planning to do as soon as they were alone in front of his brother. Another image flashed into her mind. This time, she was standing against a wall, and her legs were wrapped around his hips. Her hands were pinned to the wall beside her head as he thrust into her repeatedly.

  "Stop it! I said I'd marry you! Let my mind stay pure until after the wedding at least!" She wanted to rage at him for defiling her thoughts, but how could she? She liked it too much.

  He chuckled. "Your mind is not pure any longer. I know what you've seen, and I will do all those things to you. Tonight."

  She refused to look at him.

  "My brother, Bnjmn, will marry us now."

  She still wouldn't look at him, choosing to stare at the wall over his brother's head instead.

  Bnjmn smiled at her. "May I have your name? So I can use it in the ceremony?"

  Lela shook her head, refusing to make it easy for them.

  "Tell him, or I'll take you right here," Drrrl insisted.

  Lela closed her eyes for a moment, wishing she were anywhere in the universe other than where she was. "It's Lela." She hoped they wouldn't have much to do with his family after the way he was treating her in front of his brother. It would be humiliating.
r />   "Lela is a beautiful name. I can't wait until we're married, Lela."

  Lela refused to answer, instead staring at the wall again.

  Bnjmn began the humming deep within his throat again. The words that flew from his mouth were alien, meaning nothing to her. The man beside her grunted occasionally, obviously in response to whatever his brother had asked or said to him.

  Finally, the language was English again. "Lela, you are the destined mate of Drrrl Mcy. You will spread your legs for him when he wishes, bear his children, and honor him in all you do."

  She started to protest, but she realized it was futile. He cared nothing for her opinions or desires. He wanted a woman to receive his seed and nothing more. It was what she would have gotten from her computer-chosen husband as well, but somehow this seemed so much more—basic. They said it like it was without prettying anything up, and that made her feel vulnerable.

  Finally Bnjmn raised his hands over them, the humming growing louder and more obnoxious. He clasped the back of each of their necks and forced their faces together.

  Drrrl wrapped his arms around her and kissed her.

  Lela started to fight, but really? She wanted his kisses as much as he wanted to kiss her. She knew it was just his telepathic magic, but her body didn't seem to care. It wanted him.

  He grabbed her thighs, wrapping her legs around his hips as he carried her through the ship toward his cabin, not breaking the kiss once. He kicked the door shut behind him, carefully placing her on the bed before unfastening his leather shirt and pants, throwing them to the floor.

  Lela watched him undress in quick, practiced moves. The man wasn't trying to be sexy about stripping. Instead, he divested himself of his clothes as if they were on fire.

  "I burn for you!" he told her.

  Could he read her mind? If he could put images into her head, it wasn't beyond the realm of capability. She stared at him, wondering if he'd tell the truth if she asked. "Can you see into my mind? The way you send images into it?"